27 September 2007

The C word!

Those of you who have had the joy of meeting our gorgeous baby girl have probably all noticed her calm, peaceful disposition. Unfortunately, the serene quiet of our little nest has been disrupted, and collic (the big C word) has begun to rear it's ugly head. Maya has reflux, this means a valve in her stomach is immature and can't keep food down. Basically, she spits up an inordinate amount and always gets upset when she spits up. The stomach acid burns her esophagus and feels like heartburn. She is clearly in pain during these crying bouts, it's not like any of her other cries. The doctor was incredibly unhelpful! He basically said he won't do anything unless she's loosing weight. She's not, by the way, she's up to 6 pounds 12 ounces. So, looks like it's time for mom to the rescue. I'm trying lots of ideas, and so far today is going well. She usually starts crying in the late afternoon, so wish me luck!
I am going to do all I can to keep my sweet baby girl happy and healthy.

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