Well, a few things seem to be working to keep the crying down. Maya is a much more relaxed little baby. She does get upset sometimes, but who doesn't?
1) We are carrying her in a baby carrier as much as possible. This keeps her more upright and keeps the milk where it belongs. We have two pouch slings and an Ergo carrier. I like the pouch slings for convenience and the Ergo because it keeps her sitting almost all the way up (it looks kind of dorky though). My bosses daughter made me a sling which is so cute! I will post pictures soon.
2) We are using Mylicon drops which appear to be helping. The doctor said these drops work about half the time. They are supposed to help her get the gas out, and she is burping more. Poor thing, when she gets older, she'll be mad that I wrote this kind of stuff online.
3) We are using a First Years Soothie pacifier. This is the kind of pacifier they had at the hospital and the only one she would take.
5) The advice from the Happiest Baby on the Block really helps. She loves white noise, particularly the hair dryer. I may write a love song to my hair dryer. She also likes jiggling. Swaddling helps some times.
4) I cut dairy out of my diet. I'm not sure if this made a difference. I'm going to try to switch to cutting out wheat next and see if that makes a difference.
30 September 2007
27 September 2007
The C word!
Those of you who have had the joy of meeting our gorgeous baby girl have probably all noticed her calm, peaceful disposition. Unfortunately, the serene quiet of our little nest has been disrupted, and collic (the big C word) has begun to rear it's ugly head. Maya has reflux, this means a valve in her stomach is immature and can't keep food down. Basically, she spits up an inordinate amount and always gets upset when she spits up. The stomach acid burns her esophagus and feels like heartburn. She is clearly in pain during these crying bouts, it's not like any of her other cries. The doctor was incredibly unhelpful! He basically said he won't do anything unless she's loosing weight. She's not, by the way, she's up to 6 pounds 12 ounces. So, looks like it's time for mom to the rescue. I'm trying lots of ideas, and so far today is going well. She usually starts crying in the late afternoon, so wish me luck!
I am going to do all I can to keep my sweet baby girl happy and healthy.
I am going to do all I can to keep my sweet baby girl happy and healthy.
18 September 2007
Our first day alone
Tuesday was the first day Maya and I have spent alone. My mom got on the train monday night :(, and Robert started work at 4. I took her to work with me for our first car trip alone and she cried the whole time! AHHH! That is the longest my baby girl has cried in her whole life and I couldn't pick her up! When we got to work and I picked her up, she burped and then she was fine. I took this video of her to preserve how infinitely sweet and angelic she is.
Monday, Maya and Robert and I went for a walk in the park and she was wide awake and staring at the trees the whole time. It was really amazing. She stayed awake quietly looking around for 3 hours! We started to think, "uh oh now what will we do?" It's gonna be fun showing her the world!
Monday, Maya and Robert and I went for a walk in the park and she was wide awake and staring at the trees the whole time. It was really amazing. She stayed awake quietly looking around for 3 hours! We started to think, "uh oh now what will we do?" It's gonna be fun showing her the world!
14 September 2007
My Birth Story
Ok, this is really long, but I know some of you are interested. Don't feel that you have to read it, though.
At about 3:00 am on Monday the 3rd, Labor Day :), I started having contractions. I couldn’t sleep through them, but I tried to sleep between them. They were no more than 15 minutes apart, so I soon gave up on the sleeping. I woke Robert up around 5 am, and told him what was going on. I didn’t think it was the real thing, but I was using my hypnobirthing and felt like the contractions needed concentration to get through. In retrospect, I probably should have been trying to be distracted and this point instead of tiring myself out early. Robert and I went for a walk by the river and called our parents. We said that we didn’t know if this was it, but to stand by. A couple of times, the contractions mellowed out, but for the most part they were 1 to 15 minutes apart all day and took my attention to get through. I did a lot of slow breathing and relaxing. We watched a few movies and called the hospital to see if they could tell if this was the real thing, which they can’t. At about 7 pm the contractions started to get much more intense and were spaced 3-5 minutes apart. Although I had planned to stay at home as long as possible, I started to worry about getting to the hospital and having to check in while my labor was really intense. I started to feel a really strong urge to be settled somewhere, I wanted to be where I was going to be so I could concentrate on the labor. We decided to go to the hospital at about 9:30. We stopped at Target along the way, I stayed in the car, for batteries for the cd player we were bringing. By the time we got parked and got to the Labor and Delivery ward it was 10:30 pm. They took me into triage, and I was still doing a good job relaxing. I had to change into a gown and have the fetal monitor on. It seemed like everything was taking forever. I just wanted to be in the room with Robert and be able to go into labor land. I got a little testy with Robert at this point. The contractions were coming much closer together and the one I had when my water broke was very painful. He was a little overwhelmed and didn’t quite know what to say. Other than that one moment, he was really wonderful, strong and supportive the whole time. Anyway, my water broke on the triage table with quite a gush and that is an automatic admission, so they didn’t check how dilated I was. We walked to the labor room. Let me just say that the nurses and midwife I had were really great and they were very compliant with my birth plan, but it seemed like there was endless stuff that had to be done and they wouldn’t just leave us alone! I was feeling like I must have made a lot of progress, at least 5 cm, I thought. At about 12 am, they checked me, I don’t remember why, but they told me I was 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced. I was crushed! I knew that I would be crushed if I head a low number and that’s why I originally didn’t want to hear, but I needed to know how things were going. I said “You’ve got to be kidding me!” and that’s when I brought up drugs. This would have been a good time for a doula. The nurse and midwife tried to convince me that the effacing was really hard to do and that I had done a lot of work, but I was just crestfallen. I was very tired and it seemed like there was no break between the contractions. I had wanted to go in the shower, but it kept getting put off and now it seemed too late. I just wanted some rest! They told me about some non-narcotic drug that would work right away and lower the pain of the contractions (yes, at this point I am using non-hypnobirthing words like pain and contraction). I decided to get it, although at this point I’m not sure why. I felt totally drugged. I was woozy and dizzy and had to lie in bed, which was the worst position for my contractions. I felt like the contractions were exactly the same and it didn’t help at all, but Robert said that on the monitor you cold tell they were much harder. I still couldn’t get any rest with this drug because every contraction woke me up. I must have seemed like I was more relaxed because everyone left me alone in the bed, but I felt awful! I just couldn’t say it. I listened to the Rainbow Relaxation ( it's a hypnobirthing relaxation cd) over and over during this time. After a few hours of feeling totally drunk, I asked for the epidural. I was so glad that I did this because I was able to sleep for half an hour. The drunk feeling wore off and I just got some rest. I was so relieved. All I wanted was to see Maya; I didn’t care about how. I could still feel contractions, particularly on my left side (the side that always hurt during pregnancy). My in-laws arrived sometime after I got the epidural, so I was basically asleep most of that time. I was happy when I could feel that I was in transition, I could feel her pushing on my cervix. I tried to stay very relaxed and not let on that her birth was so near because I was going to try birth breathing still and I didn’t want them to know when I started. Unfortunately, the nurse came to check me and saw that I was complete and started getting everyone ready for pushing.
I actually really liked pushing! Of course, I had an epidural to lessen the feelings, I only pushed for 35 minutes and Maya was only 5 lbs 3 oz. Robert was on my right and my mother-in-law was on my left. As I started pushing, it was around 6 am and I could tell that the sun was coming up. I took my time and used birth breathing for most of the time. I wanted to do this slowly to minimize tearing. Close to the end, maybe the last 10 minutes, they had me start holding my breath while I pushed. I didn’t want to do this, but it was more productive. I didn’t count to ten or anything, I just held my breath as I bore down and then breathed. It felt wonderful to be active in my birth since I was kind of down about getting the epidural. As Maya came out, I saw her face and I thought, “she looks like me!” I looked out the window and the sun had come up, it was really beautiful. They put her on my tummy because her cord was too short to reach my chest. Once the cord stopped pulsing, Robert cut it and put her on my chest. She nursed a little almost right away! She didn’t cry much; even then, she was sweet from the start.
My thoughts about the experience afterwards were surprising to me. I had always thought that birth would be this transformative spiritual experience, but in a selfish way. That it would be about me, and my strength and learning what I can do. Really, it was all about Maya. All I cared about was her and seeing her and holding her. Yes, not having drugs would have been better for her, but she nursed right away and was with us for an hour before anyone else touched her, and they did everything we asked regarding her care. I am surprised now by how humbling an experience this birth turned out to be. I had to be prepared to change my plans, and ask for help when I needed it. Perhaps, with a doula and maybe a birth tub, this would have been a different story, but I am not sad about the way my baby girl entered the world. To me it was magical. During her birth, I learned that just touching Robert mad me feel instantly better, and I met the most perfect precious little girl in the world. With these feelings, I have started my little family, and I can’t wait to see where God will take us!
At about 3:00 am on Monday the 3rd, Labor Day :), I started having contractions. I couldn’t sleep through them, but I tried to sleep between them. They were no more than 15 minutes apart, so I soon gave up on the sleeping. I woke Robert up around 5 am, and told him what was going on. I didn’t think it was the real thing, but I was using my hypnobirthing and felt like the contractions needed concentration to get through. In retrospect, I probably should have been trying to be distracted and this point instead of tiring myself out early. Robert and I went for a walk by the river and called our parents. We said that we didn’t know if this was it, but to stand by. A couple of times, the contractions mellowed out, but for the most part they were 1 to 15 minutes apart all day and took my attention to get through. I did a lot of slow breathing and relaxing. We watched a few movies and called the hospital to see if they could tell if this was the real thing, which they can’t. At about 7 pm the contractions started to get much more intense and were spaced 3-5 minutes apart. Although I had planned to stay at home as long as possible, I started to worry about getting to the hospital and having to check in while my labor was really intense. I started to feel a really strong urge to be settled somewhere, I wanted to be where I was going to be so I could concentrate on the labor. We decided to go to the hospital at about 9:30. We stopped at Target along the way, I stayed in the car, for batteries for the cd player we were bringing. By the time we got parked and got to the Labor and Delivery ward it was 10:30 pm. They took me into triage, and I was still doing a good job relaxing. I had to change into a gown and have the fetal monitor on. It seemed like everything was taking forever. I just wanted to be in the room with Robert and be able to go into labor land. I got a little testy with Robert at this point. The contractions were coming much closer together and the one I had when my water broke was very painful. He was a little overwhelmed and didn’t quite know what to say. Other than that one moment, he was really wonderful, strong and supportive the whole time. Anyway, my water broke on the triage table with quite a gush and that is an automatic admission, so they didn’t check how dilated I was. We walked to the labor room. Let me just say that the nurses and midwife I had were really great and they were very compliant with my birth plan, but it seemed like there was endless stuff that had to be done and they wouldn’t just leave us alone! I was feeling like I must have made a lot of progress, at least 5 cm, I thought. At about 12 am, they checked me, I don’t remember why, but they told me I was 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced. I was crushed! I knew that I would be crushed if I head a low number and that’s why I originally didn’t want to hear, but I needed to know how things were going. I said “You’ve got to be kidding me!” and that’s when I brought up drugs. This would have been a good time for a doula. The nurse and midwife tried to convince me that the effacing was really hard to do and that I had done a lot of work, but I was just crestfallen. I was very tired and it seemed like there was no break between the contractions. I had wanted to go in the shower, but it kept getting put off and now it seemed too late. I just wanted some rest! They told me about some non-narcotic drug that would work right away and lower the pain of the contractions (yes, at this point I am using non-hypnobirthing words like pain and contraction). I decided to get it, although at this point I’m not sure why. I felt totally drugged. I was woozy and dizzy and had to lie in bed, which was the worst position for my contractions. I felt like the contractions were exactly the same and it didn’t help at all, but Robert said that on the monitor you cold tell they were much harder. I still couldn’t get any rest with this drug because every contraction woke me up. I must have seemed like I was more relaxed because everyone left me alone in the bed, but I felt awful! I just couldn’t say it. I listened to the Rainbow Relaxation ( it's a hypnobirthing relaxation cd) over and over during this time. After a few hours of feeling totally drunk, I asked for the epidural. I was so glad that I did this because I was able to sleep for half an hour. The drunk feeling wore off and I just got some rest. I was so relieved. All I wanted was to see Maya; I didn’t care about how. I could still feel contractions, particularly on my left side (the side that always hurt during pregnancy). My in-laws arrived sometime after I got the epidural, so I was basically asleep most of that time. I was happy when I could feel that I was in transition, I could feel her pushing on my cervix. I tried to stay very relaxed and not let on that her birth was so near because I was going to try birth breathing still and I didn’t want them to know when I started. Unfortunately, the nurse came to check me and saw that I was complete and started getting everyone ready for pushing.
I actually really liked pushing! Of course, I had an epidural to lessen the feelings, I only pushed for 35 minutes and Maya was only 5 lbs 3 oz. Robert was on my right and my mother-in-law was on my left. As I started pushing, it was around 6 am and I could tell that the sun was coming up. I took my time and used birth breathing for most of the time. I wanted to do this slowly to minimize tearing. Close to the end, maybe the last 10 minutes, they had me start holding my breath while I pushed. I didn’t want to do this, but it was more productive. I didn’t count to ten or anything, I just held my breath as I bore down and then breathed. It felt wonderful to be active in my birth since I was kind of down about getting the epidural. As Maya came out, I saw her face and I thought, “she looks like me!” I looked out the window and the sun had come up, it was really beautiful. They put her on my tummy because her cord was too short to reach my chest. Once the cord stopped pulsing, Robert cut it and put her on my chest. She nursed a little almost right away! She didn’t cry much; even then, she was sweet from the start.
My thoughts about the experience afterwards were surprising to me. I had always thought that birth would be this transformative spiritual experience, but in a selfish way. That it would be about me, and my strength and learning what I can do. Really, it was all about Maya. All I cared about was her and seeing her and holding her. Yes, not having drugs would have been better for her, but she nursed right away and was with us for an hour before anyone else touched her, and they did everything we asked regarding her care. I am surprised now by how humbling an experience this birth turned out to be. I had to be prepared to change my plans, and ask for help when I needed it. Perhaps, with a doula and maybe a birth tub, this would have been a different story, but I am not sad about the way my baby girl entered the world. To me it was magical. During her birth, I learned that just touching Robert mad me feel instantly better, and I met the most perfect precious little girl in the world. With these feelings, I have started my little family, and I can’t wait to see where God will take us!
10 September 2007
Maya Jeanne makes her entrance
Well, She's here! Maya Jeanne CastaƱeda was born at 6:42 am on September 4th, 2007. She weighed 5lbs 3oz. and was 19 inches long! Isn't she the most perfect and beautiful angel that ever lived?
I said in the last post that she wasn't technically premature. Turns out technically isn't quite accurate. She is pretty much a preemie, but a big healthy one! We had some issues with low blood sugar and jaundice and we've been in and out of the hospital all week, but thanks to lots of prayers and love, she's all clear and home now to relax.

All photos courtesy of grandpa Currier
02 September 2007
Bad Blogger!
Sorry not to post for so long. I've had trouble coming up with things to say without pictures to lead me. I'm 37 weeks pregnant now, and Maya Jeanne is considered full term. This means if she was born today, she wouldn't be premature. We could have up to 5 weeks left, though. Man, I hope not! I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore! I feel like we're as ready as we're gonna be. We had some great baby showers. It was so nice to see how many people already love Maya Jeanne and are hoping and praying the best for her.
I'm excited to try out our Hypnobirthing. Robert really seems to have a handle on it, and I think he will help me a lot. I plan to blog quite a bit about the experience and I will be totally honest about how it worked for me. We will also post about Maya's early days here.
I'm watching the Happiest Baby on the Block right now. It's a dvd about calming down crying babies. Hopefully the tips in there work! I'd better watch it again to make sure I've got it :)
I'm excited to try out our Hypnobirthing. Robert really seems to have a handle on it, and I think he will help me a lot. I plan to blog quite a bit about the experience and I will be totally honest about how it worked for me. We will also post about Maya's early days here.
I'm watching the Happiest Baby on the Block right now. It's a dvd about calming down crying babies. Hopefully the tips in there work! I'd better watch it again to make sure I've got it :)
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